The Green Thumb Chronicles: An extensive exploration of plant maintenance
Have you ever looked at a, “How can I keep it alive?” You are not alone. Plant care is not rocket science. Let’s take it step by step.
Let’s start with watering. Like people, plants need water but can be drowned by too much. Imagine your plant like Goldilocks – the water should be just right. Put your finger up to the first joint of the knuckle in the soil. It’s time to drink if it is dry. If it is wet, wait.
The next step is to add light. Some plants bask in the sun like they are on vacation. Some plants prefer shade to hide from paparazzi. Before deciding where to permanently place your plant, make sure you know what it likes.
Let’s talk about soil. Not all soil is the same! Some plants require sandy soil with good drainage, while others flourish in rich, loamy soil. Flip-flops are not suitable for snow. Neither is cactus living in swampy soil.
Fertilizers are another important piece. Fertilizer is like vitamins for plants. Too little, and they could get sickly. Too much, and their roots can be burned. Follow the directions on the fertilizer package like you would a recipe.
The temperature is also important! Plants have their own temperature preferences, just as we wouldn’t wear shorts or a parka during the summer months (unless you are one of these brave souls). Tropical plants love humidity and warmth, while succulents prefer cooler temperatures.
It may sound fancy, but you can think of pruning as giving your plants a haircut. Trim dead stems or leaves to promote new growth.
Repotting is a term you may not be familiar with. Moving day for plants is here! The roots of plants need more room to grow when they outgrow the pot in which they are currently housed. This is similar to moving from an apartment into a home with a yard.
Pests can cause serious damage to plants. Be on the lookout for small invaders such as aphids and spider mites. It is usually enough to give them the boot with a quick shower or neem.
It can also be difficult to manage humidity, especially if you are living in a place that is either very dry (like Arizona) or extremely humid (like Florida). If you live in a dry area, misting plants or using humidifiers can mimic the natural environment.
Plants have personalities too! Some plants are drama queens who need constant attention, while others are low-maintenance and chill buddies that thrive when neglected (looking at snake plant).
Vertical gardens and hanging pots are great ways to save space while adding some style to your home decor.
Don’t forget to propagate your plants – it’s essentially free! Cut a healthy stem or leaf from your plant, and soak it in water for a few days until the roots form before you plant it.
We shouldn’t ignore seasonal changes. Just as we change our wardrobes with the seasons, we should adjust our watering schedules based on summer or winter.
I’ll leave you with one last tip: Talk to your plants. It may sound kooky, but studies have shown that the vibrations of talking can stimulate plant growth. And hey, we all need someone to talk with every now and again!
You now know how to keep those beautiful green plants happy and healthy without breaking out into hives at every yellow leaf or drooping stem.